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 Cell Phone Tickets

NYC Ticket Master can help you!


Everyone has a cell phone.  We use them to stay connected with work and family, which means we use them on the go.  If you do not have a Bluetooth device in your car, or a GPS unit installed on your dashboard, using your cell phone can lead to tickets.


Do not plead guilty to a cell phone ticket.  A conviction for using a cell phone can include:

  • 5 points on your driving record

  • a fine ranging from $50-$450

  • a surcharge of $93

  • increased car insurance premiums

  • a suspension of your license*



If you are a probationary or junior driver:

  • a first offense will result in your license being suspended for 120 days

  • a second offense, within six months of a first offense, will result in your license being suspended for one year


If you are a commercial driver:

  • Your commercial license can be affected, even if you are ticketed while in your personal vehicle

  • Your commercial license is your life-line, and anything that endangers your license endangers your ability to provide for you and your family


An experienced attorney can help you fight your ticket and protect your right to drive.  If you plead guilty, you will be convicted of the second most serious moving violation in the state.**  Let us help you fight your ticket. 


You may be ticketed for:

  • talking on your phone

  • talking on speaker phone, even if another person is holding the phone

  • dialing a phone number, even if using a Bluetooth device

  • using other applications on your phone, such as texting or emailing (see our page on Portable Device tickets for more information)


Cell phone tickets are handled by the DMV’s Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB).


*The DMV can suspend your license if you accrue 11 points in 18 months.  If your license is suspended, and you are caught driving with a suspended license, you could face criminal charges.  See our page, Driving with a Suspended License, for more information.

**Speeding more than 20 mph over the speed limit can add 6-8 points to your driving record.


For more information:


For N.Y. V.A.T. cited laws, click here.  

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