Driving With A Suspended License
NYC Ticket Master can help you!
If your license has been suspended, you know that one ticket can seriously affect your ability to get to work, go to school, or get necessities, like groceries. An attorney can help you minimize the consequences of getting caught driving with a suspended license.
You could be charged with three different crimes, depending on the circumstances. Each charge has different consequences.
1. Third-Degree Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle
If convicted of this charge, you will be guilty of a misdemeanor. You could have to pay a fine of $200-$500 (plus a surcharge), and spend up to 30 days in jail. If you are a commercial driver, the fine could be $500-$1500.
2. Second-Degree Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle
The charge will be increased to second-degree if your license was suspended for a DUI, or if this is your second conviction within 18 months. This charge is also a misdemeanor, but it has harsher penalties. The fine is at least $500 (plus a surcharge), and you can spend up to 180 days in jail.
3. First-Degree Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle
The first-degree charge is a class E felony. The fine could be anywhere between $500 and $5000 dollars (plus a surcharge), with jail time up to 4 years, in addition to the other consequences of convictions of class E felonies.
For more information:
For N.Y. V.A.T. cited laws, click here.