DUI/DWI Tickets
NYC Ticket Master can help you!
Driving after drinking any alcohol—even if you’re blood alcohol content (BAC) is below the so-called “legal limit”—can have serious consequences. Depending on your BAC, you could be charged with Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI), a traffic infraction, or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), a criminal offense. A knowledgeable attorney can help you fight these charges, and may be able to prevent you from having a criminal record.
Do not plead guilty to a DWI / DWAI. A conviction could result in:
Civil or Criminal charges and fines
DMV fines
DMV surcharge of $260-$400
jail time
ignition interlock device (prevents you from starting your car until you pass a breathalyzer)
increased car insurance premiums
license suspension or revocation
attending the Mother’s Against Drunk Driving victim impact panel
Treatment Assessment Screening Center (TASC) counseling
a DMV Drinking Driver Program
DWI probation
You may be charged for:
.08 or higher BAC
BAC of less than .08, if there is other “evidence” of intoxication
Commercial drivers: .04 or higher BAC
Drivers under 21: .02 or higher BAC
DMV Penalties
For a first offense, the DMV will fine you $500-$1000 and your license will be revoked for at least 6 months. You could also spend up to 1 year in prison. For a second offense within 10 years of the first (a class E felony), the fine will be $1000-$5000. Your license can be revoked for at least one year, and you could be imprisoned for 4 years. For a third offense within 10 years (a class D felony), the fine is $2000-$10,000. Your license can be revoked for at least one year, but could also be permanently revoked. Most importantly, you could spend 7 years in prison.
You may be charged for having a BAC of .18 or higher.
DMV Penalties
For a first offense, the DMV will fine you $1000-$2500 and your license will be revoked for at least one year. You could also spend up to 1 year in prison. For a second offense within 10 years of the first (a class E felony), the fine will be $1000-$5000. Your license can be revoked for at least 18 months, and you could be imprisoned for 4 years. For a third offense within 10 years (a class D felony), the fine is $2000-$10,000. Your license can be revoked for at least 18 months, but could also be permanently revoked. Most importantly, you could spend 7 years in prison.
You may be charged for:
.05 -.07 BAC
other “evidence” of intoxication
DMV Penalties
For a first offense, the DMV will fine you $300-$500 and your license will be suspended for 90 days. You could also spend up to 15 days in prison. For a second offense within 5 years of the first, the fine will be $500-$750. Your license can be revoked for at least 6 months, and you could be imprisoned for 30 days. For a third offense within 10 years (a misdemeanor offense), the fine is $750-$1500. Your license can be revoked for at least six months, and you could spend 180 days in prison.
DMV Penalties
For a first offense, the DMV will fine you $500-$1000 and your license will be revoked for at least 6 months. You could also spend up to 1 year in prison. For a second offense within 10 years of the first (a class E felony), the fine will be $1000-$5000. Your license can be revoked for at least one year, and you could be imprisoned for 4 years. For a third offense within 10 years (a class D felony), the fine is $2000-$10,000. Your license can be revoked for at least one year, but could also be permanently revoked. Most importantly, you could spend 7 years in prison.
DMV Penalties
For a first offense, the DMV will fine you $500-$1000 and your license will be revoked for at least 6 months. You could also spend up to 1 year in prison. For a second offense within 10 years of the first (a class E felony), the fine will be $1000-$5000. Your license can be revoked for at least one year, and you could be imprisoned for 4 years. For a third offense within 10 years (a class D felony), the fine is $2000-$10,000. Your license can be revoked for at least one year, but could also be permanently revoked. Most importantly, you could spend 7 years in prison.
This law specifically affects drivers under the age of 21. For a first offense, there is a civil penalty of $125, and your license will be suspended for 6 months. Additionally, there is a $100 fee to terminate suspension. A second offense will also result in a civil penalty of $125, but your license will be revoked for one year, or until age 21. Again, there is a $100 fee to re-apply for a license.
If you refuse to allow law enforcement to test your BAC, whether by breath, blood, or urine, this is known as a “chemical test refusal.” Refusal will result in a $500 civil penalty, and your license will be revoked for one year. If you are a commercial driver, the civil penalty will be $550, and the revocation will last 18 months. For a second offense within 5 years of a first offense, or within 5 years of any DWI-related charge, there is a $750 civil penalty. Your license will be revoked for 18 months. For drivers under 21, the revocation will last one year, or until age 21. For commercial drivers, this offense results in permanent CDL revocation.
For more information, see:
For N.Y. V.A.T. cited laws, click here.