Reckless Driving Tickets
NYC Ticket Master can help you!
A reckless driving conviction will have serious repercussions. This is a criminal offense that will add 5 points to your DMV record. Recent studies report that one reckless driving conviction can raise your insurance rates from 22-82%.
Do not plead guilty to reckless driving. A conviction can include:
Jail time, from 30 days to 180 days
5 points on your driving record
a fine ranging from $100-$300
a surcharge of $88-$93
increased car insurance premiums of 22-82%
a suspension of your license**
Although this is a serious offense, an experienced attorney can help you get charges reduced, if not dismissed. Often, law enforcement will issue a reckless driving ticket without alleging specific actions rising to the level of recklessness.
**The DMV can suspend your license if you accrue 11 points in 18 months. If your license is suspended, and you are caught driving with a suspended license, you could face criminal charges. See our page, Driving with a Suspended License, for more information.
For more information, see:
For N.Y. V.A.T. cited laws, click here.